
“the eyes of Aeriel Dieu of all aspects”

Bill H. Coulombe

Status: criminal, imprisoned in New Jersey USA (Oct 28th, 2022) for a temporary period

Charlie N. Simpson

Status: criminal suspect, employed currently within the FBI
Bill Coulombe 's partner in crime

Offended suspect: Johnathan W. Wilheim

Case Manager:

Case Events:

Thursday October 27th, 2022

Case "the eyes of Aeriel Dieu of all aspects" is opened in the FBI system and identified with a case number.

Sunday October 30rd, 2022
4:40 AM Bill Coulombe is pushing me to write something to let him stay in the USA illegally for as long as possible, but this is in turn my discovery about what is the real problem in the materialized semi-physical aspects of the FBI: Bill Coulombe is using my eyes by a secretive tactic, similar to how he has been doing with his linked mind, linked soul and twin mind Nguyen Ngoc Tuong Vi, he let her keep most of my soulful and energetic properties, and using them directly via a direct linked soul of his, in the case of my eyes, he and Charlie Simpson are doing this, as Charlie Simpson is the clone of Bill Coulombe, mind and soul and frequency identity speaking, a direct twin self of his.

Since he, in Charlie Simpson 's body cloak, is still coming in and out the Department of Justice everyday freely undetected, and he (they) is still being allowed to access the FBI database and security system, and getting eyes and ears on all circulating information about the cases of his victims from Department of Justice workers and systems, all of you as, in the suspicion of many investigators and police from other places who are weighing in the investigative process with the FBI, have been powerly controlled and manipulated secretively (like a case of witch "hexed") by Bill Coulombe under a different name Charlie Simpson who are using my eyes as a supernatural power to stop your progress and not making sense to the world on investigative law, and making you be still doing what Charlie Simpson has been telling other FBI agents to do regarding case Johnathan Wilhelm being kidnapped from Germany to be a sex prisoner for them and imprisoned soulfully both him and I, and the world from legally charging them for their criminal offenses, to stop us from having back the legal recognitions of who we are as free human beings (they are now considered "they" Charlie Simpson and Bill Coulombe, who did this consciously and subconsciously together). This case has been drown as they, who they are, know from I have been repeatedly telling you to remove this key case out of the way in a positive meaning so that you could capture the criminals, but they kept erasing from your minds about the importance of this case.

6:29 AM the embedded was "I have been repeatedly telling you to remove this case out of the way", what Bill Coulombe has been repeatedly telling anyone of you, all of you, to have been repeatedly forcing this control and, or energetically mindfully coercion to your minds. This is a real-evidence-by-circumstance of what leviathaning cunningness is.

This case is the key to get back the power of Omega divine femininity power as known as the legal power or the supernatural force in the universe for fairness and justice. The Alpha key (the soul of Johnathan W. Wilheim, my masculinity twin heart (soul), who is my soulful father and son in one) is the key in order for you to confiscate Omega key (the soul of Aeriel Dieu myself, femininity twin heart (soul) of Johnathan W. Wilheim) from these criminals.